Nipsey Hussle, written thousands of times over the course of 7.5 hours. Nipsey is a man I found myself knowing not very much about at the beginning of my drawing, I only really knew that there was an allure about him I didn’t know how to explain. I think one of the biggest things that have stood out to me in reading about him is how hard of a worker he really was. From being a kid with the goal to shine 100 people’s shoes a day, to selling mixtapes out of his trunk as a younger adult, and eventually starting his own record label and clothing store, he was a multifaceted entrepreneur to say the least. And after all of that we haven’t even started to describe his activism in his community. He denounced gun violence, encouraging communal workspaces and continued education, and even working on a project to showcase the history and culture of the African American ancestry of his neighborhood he was in. This was a great study and project to work on and to end this I’m just going to show you my favorite quote of his..“Most people want to skip the process, not knowing that when you skip steps, you miss lessons. If you start small and build on what you have, you can continue to multiply that into something greater, while picking up all of the valuable lessons along the way.”- Nipsey HusslePrints are 11x14 inches (A3-ish) in a great medium size that keeps it high quality and true to the original sizing!
Nipsey Hussle